Earlier in the year, just before I flew out on holiday to Thailand, I received a call from the Director of Toi Et Moi, Madlove & Le Super Shop wanting to discuss booking me for a shoot. At the time of the call I had a million things going on, people coming and going, and I couldn't really hear what the woman on the other end of the line was saying so I just scribbled it all down to process later. After getting off the phone and realising I was just speaking with Gill Lawrence - founder of Toi Et Moi, a brand I had followed and admired for years, I had a mini heart attack. I got my bearings, called straight back and we booked in.
Years ago, one of my favourite bloggers Zanita posted a self-shot shoot in collaboration with Toi Et Moi - you can see it HERE. At the time I remember thinking this was the coolest thing everrrr and i'd love to do something like that one day. This was well before I was a photographer so it was merely a little flicker of desire. But hey, fast forward a few years later and they're calling ME to shoot! What the actual fuck?!
Our very first shoot was for their online store, Le Super Shop, now let me tell you... I made myself SICK with anxiety on the lead up to this shoot. I was a mess. And those who know me know that i'm not an anxious person. I was filled with self doubt, sure that I was going to fuck this all up and look like a total moron. The day of the shoot came and I used my super-acting skills to play it totally cool and you know what?! From the get go it just all worked. I got on really well with the whole team and something just clicked. We have now shot together about 5 times and are bouncing ideas off each other for future projects. I love working with a team of creative, intelligent and motivated women. Hopefully i'll be able to share some of the lookbook's with you soon. The future looks bright for this little flamingo and her new french friends.
MAJOR THANK YOU to Jess Marshall who was rad enough to recommended my skillz to Gill and her team. None of this would have come to fruition if it wasn't for Jess giving me a little love. We have never even met in person before, she just appreciated my work and thought we'd make a good team. How kind is that?! Jess has an amaaaaaze fashion and lifestyle blog, I highly recommend you following - you can see it HERE.
CC xxx
P.S. These rad threads are on SALE now at Le Super Shop!!! Woop! I suggest you put that leopard cardi on your bodeh immediately!
Model: Renee Bates @ Que Models
HMUA: Lucy Helena
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